Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Presidential Pooch

Post from Mary O'Conner-Shaver of ColumbusTopDogs.com...

Dear Companion Pet Lovers ~

The presidential pooch is set to make his public debut Tuesday, according to TMZ.com. The pet apparently comes with quite the Democratic pedigree.

The Obamas have settled on a Portuguese water dog from a Texas breeder - the same breeder and doggie lineage as Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy's pets, the entertainment news service said.

The six month old puppy, Charlie, was originally sold to someone else, and then returned to the breeder. The dog will be "re-homed" with the Obamas and presented to the first family by the Kennedys. The "re-homing" avoids any issues with guidelines on presidential gifts, TMZ said. The Obama dog will also get a new name.

As the proud guardian to five rescued canine companions, I find this latest news incredibly disheartening given the exposure Obama received during Jana Kohl and Baby's book tour, "A Rare Breed of Love." Right after the election, when Obama said his family's "preference would be to get a shelter dog ... a mutt like me," I was ecstatic. I was one of thousands of supporters who signed an e-card to the Obamas thanking them just for considering a rescue dog. One signer suggested: "Your 'first pet' could become an international spokesdog for adoption!"

At a time when job losses and record foreclosures are forcing more families to surrender their pets, an adopted dog in the White House would be a huge boost for the estimated 6 million dogs and cats taken into shelters each year.

The president has said he must balance his preference for a shelter dog with the need for a dog that won't affect his daughter Malia's allergies. But allergies don't have to be a bar to rescuing an abandoned pup. We all know many dogs are hypoallergenic. Also, rescue groups specialize in abandoned dogs of just about every breed.

Obama's not going to solve the global economic crisis or nuclear proliferation this month. But his example sure could make a difference in the crisis of too many dogs and too few homes.It is my firm belief that going from pound puppy to first pet would mark the fastest rise since a certain first-term U.S. senator got elected president.

Mary O'Connor-Shaver
Columbus Top Dogs

Jo Ann's comments:

I'm with Mary. I think it's quite a betrayal for homeless dogs. As Mary said, there are plenty of "breed specific" rescues throughout the United States and their are lots of dogs that are hypoallergenic. Having a rescued shelter dog in the White House would be a tremendous boost for adoptions.

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