Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Buying from a Pet Store

On Monday, April 27, 2009, the Columbus Dispatch website started a poll asking the question:

The Hot Issue: Do you feel comfortable acquiring a pet from a pet store?

The poll is still ongoing at the time of this post. Simply click on the question above to review current results and comments or vote and comment yourself.

I have been in animal rescue for more than 40 years.

Did you know that most puppies sold at pet stores end up being surrendered to a local pound or shelter? The reason ... These dogs have numerous health problems, a direct result of BAD breeding, and most have behavioral issues that are caused by improper socialization, thus causing the "PHYSCO" dog that very few people take the time to work with. Consequently, most of these animals are dumped at the pound by the owner and end up being euthanized. It isn't fair to a prospective adopter to adopt an animal that has genetic health problems or can turn into "CUJO" in a heartbeat.

So yes, ladies and gentlemen ... these animals are destroyed every day. Their only crime was being born in a puppy mill, sold to a pet store, and the ignorant consumers who continue to buy them creating the "supply and demand."

If you want a specific breed, then by all means find yourself a good, certified breeder... not one who's advertising in the local newspaper or on Craig's List. Good breeders DON'T have to do that. Also, check out the local breed specific rescues in your area and check the pound as well. These dogs have passed the test for being "adoptable."

Also, the most important thing is to RESEARCH the breed before you buy or adopt. Just because a dog is cute or your neighbors have one doesn't mean that it's going to fit into your home or lifestyle.

If you were turned down for adoption at the pound or by a rescue, ask yourself these questions before you run out to the local pet store to buy a puppy:
  1. Is this dog suitable for my lifestyle?
  2. Do I really have the time for it?
  3. Can I afford grooming, training, and the required vetting expenses, and proper food associated with his breed?
  4. Do I have adequate facilities for this animal?

If you've been turned down to adopt, then you haven't been able to answer "YES" to the above questions. Therefore, you should give great consideration and thought before you decide to rush out and buy from a "backyard breeder" or pet store. Just because they made it easy for you to buy doesn't mean you'll ever be able to answer YES to these questions.

So, PLEASE be part of the solution, NOT part of the problem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make sure if you go to adopt a puppy that you bring a crate. Dogs can act unpredictably I was transporting a 6 month old lab- border collie mix puppy that I had just adopted and the dog got off of it's leash in the back seat-got into the passenger side and then attacked me a bunch times while I was driving. What a mess. I was able to control the car. The bites were on the arms-luckily not on my face. This was a nice dog that had been living with children. Apparently when we passed by some cows it got scared aggressive. Lesson learned: when transporting a dog -even if you know the animal, keep it in a crate!