Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Amazing Wildlife Video

This is a very sweet video. Enjoy!

Lawless Killer Guns Down Famed Bear

I usually do not solicit donations, for myself or for other organizations. However, I truly feel that this is a cause that could certainly use some funding.

Poaching is a huge problem in other countries. We as Americans cannot allow this to happen in our country. It is our responsibility to protect our endangered spices.

Poaching is illegal and the people responsible should be caught and made to stand accountable for their ruthless actions.

Offering "Reward Money" often brings these criminals to justice more quickly.

I leave this to your discretion and your conscious. Even a "buck" would help bring justice for Maximus as well as other endangered animals that are ruthlessly hunted down and killed for whatever reason.

Jo Ann

From Defenders of Wildlife...

Maximus the grizzly bear was "a big, beautiful, wild bear," according to grizzly specialist Mike Madel. "He kept to himself, stayed out of trouble.”But he was gunned down in the prime of his life. Left to rot in a Montana hayfield, his badly decomposed body was discovered a month after being ruthlessly shot. His killer is still at large.

With your compassionate donation of $25, $50, $100 or another amount, you can help bring lawless wildlife killers to justice and respond quickly to other wildlife emergencies.

We’ve quickly moved to offer a reward to bring Maximus’s killer to justice. But sadly, this bear's story is not unique. Poachers have recently ended the lives of some of our most endangered animals including Florida panthers, southwest gray wolves and California condors. In Idaho, a female wolf pup was illegally gunned down from a roadway. And a thriving black market in bear gallbladders and other parts is fueling a slaughter of bears across the nation.

Help us post rewards for poachers and alert the public as we aid law enforcement in the capture of these heartless people. Please make a donation today.

Update from Elite Animals

Below is an update from Elite Animals of West Hollywood, CA. These folks have done an awesome job in the fight against puppy mills.


Yesterday, our investigator in the South ( one of the undercover guys who does mill investigations for us) called Elite for me to order a dog. There is no way they could have known he was affiliated with us. He recounted:

"A Russian woman answered me, 'We don't have any dogs.' When I asked if I could order one and have him held until we get to L.A., she answered, 'We probably aren't going to be doing that anymore. Maybe going to do another business."

Folks, I am cautiously optimistic when I tell you I think we've done it. I honestly believe that though there has been no hard evidence that they are done, all signs point to an irreversible erosion of their business. EVEN if their business is loan sharking or some other illegal business, this campaign is a real problem for them. I drive by pretty much every day, sometimes twice and they're EMPTY. It's dark. No dogs, no cats. Same unsold dust covered merchandise on the shelf. Same sad woman, holding her head down. No owners. Dead. The most important thing to note is that NO PUPPY MILL DOGS have been sold for months in WEHO because of us.

Take a bow. Come for what may be the last protest there. We will discuss our next moves WEST to Santa Monica. I will explain in person what is going on there.

I was reading late last night about the Southern bus boycott during the civil rights movement. It took them a year, white folks, black folks together, doing car pools to get to work and leaving those buses empty...a YEAR. After a year, the bus company reversed its unfair and racist position, finally allowing black folks to SIT DOWN! All the while, creepy, racist white folks were taking the bus and acting like the boycott would never work and thinking that they were right to take all the seats, treating African Americans like second class citizens. Those people are the same kind of people who BUY PM dogs. And the owners of the bus company are the same kind of people who own the stores and the mills. They were WRONG and we are right. Today, the world is a different place, not perfect, but certainly more just because of the protesters. You are the protesters. You are standing up for justice and do not give up.

The road is long and consumers are callous. But we will win at every store in Los Angeles.

Please come and support our movement. We will be there from 1-3 on Saturday. Hold a sign, hold your head high. They are pretty much defeated. I think we'll leave them ATTENDED by undercovers for a while to see what develops after this week.

JOIN US, JOIN your friends. SAT 1-3

Carole Raphaelle Davis

The Orangutan and the Hound

When Surya the orangutan meets a hound dog by the river, the two carry on like long lost friends.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fight for Tax Break for Pet Care Costs

From A.S.P.C.A.

Dear Animal Advocates,

Introduced by Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, H.R. 3501—known as the Humanity and Pets Partnered Through the Years (“HAPPY”) Act—is a federal bill that would reward responsible pet parents by allowing them to keep more money in their pockets come tax time.

We all want to give our animal companions the best care we possibly can, but it seems that pet care costs are always on the rise—and these days, it’s harder than ever to stretch the family budget. That’s why the ASPCA supports H.R. 3501, which would amend U.S. tax code to allow qualifying pet care expenses, including veterinary care, to be tax-deductible. This means that when you prepare your income taxes, money you spent on pet care that year would count as non-taxable income—and you can deduct up to $3,500 per year! Please help us support the HAPPY Act, H.R. 3501.

What You Can Do
Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center online to send an email to your U.S. representative and urge him or her to support and cosponsor the HAPPY Act, H.R. 3501.

Thank you for supporting this bill and being part of our team!

Fremont Council Members Eager for Input

A follow-up to Town Hall Meeting on Pit Bull Ban in Fremont, OH...

The City of Fremont has either blocked all incoming email or there is a problem with their server. PLEASE RESEND YOUR THOUGHTS TO COUNCIL MEMBERS' PERSONAL EMAIL ADDRESSES BELOW. City Council Members are eager to hear from you regarding the possibility of banning pit bulls in Fremont.

I called council members at their homes and have obtained the following personal email addresses of the council members who said that they are certainly open to your input. Please send an email voicing your opinon regarding pit bulls and whether or not they should be singled out. PLEASE REMEMBER TO BE POLITE and FACTUAL. A special thanks to the following council members for their willingness to hear all sides on this issue. Objectivity is imperitive when making a decision that could force many households in Fremont to give up loving pets that are considered members of their families.

ALSO: Read Pit Bull Expert and Attorney's Response Below

Email addresses in spam-bot protection form. Please replace [at] with @ and remove extra spaces.

littlegiantspa [at] yahoo.com

JIM MELLE (Democrat)
jimmelle [at] hotmail.com

DON NALLEY (Democrat)
1st Ward Councilman
nalley1stward [at] aol.com

RICK ROOT (Republican)
Unable to Contact

2nd Ward Councilwoman
pwags43 [at] yahoo.com

JIM WEAVER (Democrat)
Unable to Contact

MIKE KOEBEL (Republican)
No email address available
830 Morrison St.
Fremont, OH 43420

Mayor Overmyer has referred all calls to Law Director, Bob Hart

Call Bob Hart's Office:
Fremont, Ohio Law Director/ Prosecutor

City Prosecutor/Law Director Bob Hart
Attacks the Pit Bull Issue...

Fremont Law Director Hart said: "...if we can just focus on pit bulls now and decide how far the city wants to go in regulating them, anywhere from a total ban to requiring how they are kenneled and locked up. So I think that's kind of where we're at."

Attorney Terry Lodge requested that this response follow Hart's above statement:

The question must be asked, why has a possible ban of pit bulls become of a sudden, burning issue in Fremont? There've been no sensational dog attack or dog bite cases for a very long time in Fremont or Sandusky County; the supposed threat from pit bulls has not dominated local conversations in the media; indeed, the General Assembly has long ago put into place requirements for securing pit bulls on and off the owner's premises - provisions on the books which can be enforced with fines or even jailing when charges are brought by the County Dog Warden or any police officer. There is, however, an economic recession which has affected the City and Northwestern Ohio, and a local ordinance modeled after the state law will increase the City's income from fines, Attorney Lodge states.

The Fremont City Law Director misunderstands Ohio law when he suggests that pit bulls can be completely banned. That is not what the Ohio Supreme Court said in the Toledo v. Tellings case. The Supreme Court said that the General Assembly can require pit bulls to be contained inside fences on their owners' property and that they must wear a muzzle when out in public. There is no pit bull "crisis" in Fremont and no legally-based reason for an out-and-out ban of pit bulls. I predict that a complete ban on pit bulls in Fremont will lose in the courts and in effect makes a revenue issue out of a loving pet.

The Supreme Court decision only interprets the statute, incidentally. The STATE law already requires muzzling, special insurance, fencing. The local ordinance - if it doesn't try to ban pits but only duplicates the interpretation and statute - is redundant.

Towns often pass duplicate local ordinances so they can bring charges under the local law and so collect 100% of the fine instead of having to split it with the state government.

Since the general assembly has set the outer limit for regulation of pits, I predict the courts will strike down an out and out ban. It'll cost a lot of money to the City so why are they posturing? I think the answer is obvious.

Lodge continues, "Is the pit bull issue a "red herring" way of increasing the City's revenue stream? Is increasing the cruel and unnecessary extermination of a specific breed of dog truly a required must for more money in public coffers?"

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Reynoldsburg Family Appeals to Council to Save Pit Bull

Two pet owners pleaded with Reynoldsburg City Council Monday, Sept. 14 not to let police take a "family member" from their residence on Brice Road.

That family member is 9-year-old Mercedes, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, considered a pit bull breed and one that is illegal under Reynoldsburg's law against harboring viscous or dangerous dogs."It's totally absurd that every breed on this hit list is targeted," said Larry Wiles, father of the dog's owner, Sam Wiles.

Reynoldsburg's law prevents residents from owning or keeping a vicious dog, defined as one that has caused serious injury or killed a person or other animal, trained to fight or belongs to a pit bull breed.

As part of the law, the city can seize the dog and humanely destroy it.

After another dog scratched a resident in their block on Brice Road, Reynoldsburg officials sent a letter to the Wiles, noting that they had become aware of their owning a Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the consequences, which include fines and possible seizure of the animal.

Click HERE to read the complete story on ColumbusLocalNews.com.

Town Hall Meeting on Pit Bull Ban in Fremont, OH

An URGENT appeal from Barbara McGrady of S.P.A....
Please email / call the following politicians to help prevent a Pit Bull ban in Fremont, Ohio. Politely express your opinon.

Fremont Law Director Hart said: "...if we can just focus on Pit Bulls now and decide how far the city wants to go in regulating them, anywhere from a total ban to requiring how they are kenneled and locked up. So I think that's kind of where we're at."

Town Meeting will be held
October 15th at City Hall, 6:30 pm


Mayor Overmyer has referred all calls to Law Director, Bob Hart...

Call Bob Hart's Office:
Fremont, Ohio Law Director/ Prosecutor

City Council Members want to know how you feel...

Mike Koebel
419-334-4231 home, 419-332-5300 work

Email addresses in spam-bot protection form. Please replace [at] with @ and remove extra spaces.

Jim Melle
jmelle [at] fremontohio.org

Larry Jackson
ljackson [at] fremontohio.org

O. Duane Simmons
odsimmons [at] fremontohio.org

Rick Root
rroot [at] fremontohio.org

Jim Weaver
jweaver [at] fremontohio.org

Karen Wagner
pwags43 [at] yahoo.com

Don Nalley
nalley1stward [at] aol.com

Quotes by Bob Hart, County Law Director:
"...When I get the cases in when a dog has bitten somebody and you want to throw up because of the damage because of the mutilation, yeah, pit bulls. Other dogs may bite but they don't rip and tear and kill like pit bulls do."

"My personal feeling is that pit bulls don't belong in municipalities around kids and other companion animals. That's my personal opinion. But I'd like council to start getting a feel for where they'd like to be with that," FREMONT CITY PROSECUTOR BOB HART SAID.

A laws, rules and ordinance committee meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Oct. 15 at city hall to discuss issues with pit bulls. At an August council meeting, City Law Director Bob Hart said the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of regulating pit bulls. Hart had also encouraged council members to talk to residents about the issue.

Transcript of September 3 Council Meeting:
Fremont City Law Director Bob Hart said: "The Supreme Court has ruled favorably for a city's ability to regulate pit bulls. Despite what our Court of Appeals had ruled - the Supreme Court has issued a decision that pretty much supports a city's ability to regulate bit bulls.

Toledo had an ordinance that actually only allowed one household to own one pit bull and they regulated the number of pit bulls and the Supreme Court has upheld that saying that there is a rational relationship and a legitimate interest for the city to do that for safety reasons.

The other issue that we talked about when we talked was about dangerous and vicious dogs and the city's ability to regulate the animals that have a propensity or that have a history of causing harm or acting in a menacing fashion. That issue right now in my mind is still awful murky. The Supreme Court just issued another decision late last month that I read and quite honestly it makes the issue muddier. So what I suggest to council is to start thinking amongst yourselves, start talking to some people to find out how far the city wants to go in regulating pit bulls.

And I think maybe this fall if the city can just focus on the pit bull issue and get that issue resolved maybe next spring or something the other areas might have a little more clarity where I think that I can give council a little bit more, a little better advice on what we can and can not do as far as other vicious dogs.

But if we can just focus on pit bulls now and decide how far the city wants to go in regulating them anywhere from a total ban to requiring how they are kenneled and locked up. So I think that's kind of where we're at.

The way the state stature was it said the definition of a vicious dog included a dog that either caused harm to a person or serious harm to another animal or was a pit bull, okay? Just because of the breed... Breed specific. If it was a pit bull and if the dog warden determined it was a pit bull it was considered a vicious dog.

Our Sixth District Court of Appeals said, No, wait a minute, you can't do that, you can't say that just because it's a pit bull means it's vicious." Even though the Toledo Municipal Court had expert after expert after expert testify that they (pit bulls) were vicious and the defendant in that case brought in his own expert saying that they weren't vicious the Toledo Municipal Court ruled that they were vicious.

Jean Keating of the Ohio Coalition of Dog Advocates asked that I insert the following regarding Hart's quote above. Ms. Keating states, "The experts Toledo called in did not testify that pit bulls are vicious. I have the transcripts from the hearing. They testified that pits are used to guard drugs in inner city areas and thus police encounter them more frequently. Even Karla Hamlin, Lucas County Pound Manager, stated that pit bulls are no different than other dogs when treated properly."

Hart's council presentation continues, "Our Court of Appeals ruled that they weren't vicious. Our Supreme Court now went back to yes Toledo, you can do it. Okay? So what I'd like council to do is we want to address the whole situation but right now the only thing I think we can do with sufficient clarity is attack the pit bull issue. So I'd like council to think about where we'd like to start with that."

My personal feeling is that pit bulls don't belong in municipalities around kids and other companion animals. That's my personal opinion. But I'd like council to start getting a feel for where they'd like to be with that.

Councilman Nalley asked Hart, "Mr. Hart, when you get calls or complaints regarding dogs is it very often that you're getting those complaints for breeds other than the pit bull... are you getting a variety or mostly pit bulls?

Hart responded, "That would be a better question for the dog warden Gina Habeisen to be asked. (Fred Harris is actually the dog warden, Gina is Deputy Dog Warden)."

"Maybe we can get her to shed some light on her experience with pit bulls but as far as when I get the cases in when a dog has bitten somebody and you want to throw up because of the damage because of the mutilation yeah, pit bulls. Other dogs may bite but they don't rip and tear and kill like pit bulls do."

Barbara McGrady, founder and president of S.P.A., thinks it is important to remove raw emotion and look at treatment of Fremont's pit bulls in a factual, logical, rational way. How many people have been attacked in the city of Fremont by pit bulls? How many have been attacked by all other breeds? How may people in the city of Fremont have been killed by pit bulls? How many have been killed by other dog attacks?

If Fremont's pit bulls are not causing more problems than any of the other breeds, why would it be necessary to discuss banning this breed, which is obviously just being said as a scare tactic to set up acceptance of the alternative measures of more secure enforcement which would generate income from fines.

It is more logical and would probably be more lucrative to the city if the dog warden and prosecutor announced a no-exceptions policy of fining owners the maximum when there are citations for a dog running loose, instead of intruding on the decision of what breed of dog a person chooses as a pet.

The Council may also be considering setting up a panel for dog bite reviews to decide whether a dog is "vicious" according to law. While there is some merit to such an idea, the details must be fully disclosed to the public so it can be further analyzed and discussed, McGrady said.

The Rescuer's Answering Machine

Hello: You have reached 123-4567, Tender Hearts Rescue. Due to the high volume of calls we have been receiving, please listen closely to the following options and choose the one that best describes you or your situation:

Press 1 if you have a 10-year-old dog and your 15-year-old son has suddenly become allergic and you need to find the dog a new home right away.

Press 2 if you are moving today and need to immediately place your 150 pound, 8-year-old dog.

Press 3 if you have three dogs, had a baby and want to get rid of your dogs because you are the only person in the world to have a baby and dogs at the same time.

Press 4 if you just got a brand new puppy and your old dog is having problems adjusting so you want to get rid of the old one right away.

Press 5 if your little puppy has grown up and is no longer small and cute and you want to trade it in for a new model.

Press 6 if you want an unpaid volunteer to come to your home TODAY and pick up the dog you no longer want.

Press 7 if you have been feeding and caring for a "stray" for the last three years, are moving and suddenly determine it's not your dog.

Press 8 if your dog is sick and needs a vet but you need the money for your vacation.

Press 9 if you are elderly and want to adopt a cute puppy who is not active and is going to outlive you.

Press 10 if your relative has died and you don't want to care for their elderly dog because it doesn't fit your lifestyle.

Press 14 if you are calling at 6 a.m. to make sure you wake me up before I have to go to work so you can drop a dog off on your way to work.

Press 15 to leave us an anonymous garbled message, letting us know you have left a dog in our yard in the middle of January, which is in fact, better than just leaving the dog with no message.

Press 16 if you are going to get angry because we are not going to take your dog that you have had for fifteen years, because it is not our responsibility.

Press 17 if you are going to threaten to take your ten year old dog to be euthanized because I won't take it.

Press 18 if you're going to get angry because the volunteers had the audacity to go on vacation and leave the dogs in care of a trusted volunteer who is not authorized to take your personal pet.

Press 19 if you want one from an abundance of our PERFECTLY trained, housebroken, kid and cat friendly purebred dogs.

Press 20 if you want us to take your dog that has a slight aggression problem, i.e. has only bitten a few people and killed your neighbor's cats.

Press 21 if you have already called once and been told we don't take personal surrenders but thought you would get a different person this time with a different answer.

Press 22 if you want us to use space that would go to a stray to board your personal dog while you are on vacation, free of charge, of course.

Press 23 if it is Christmas Eve or Easter morning and you want me to deliver an eight week old puppy to your house by 6:30 am before your kids wake up.

Press 24 if you have bought your children a duckling, chick or baby bunny for Easter and it is now Christmas and no longer cute.

Press 25 if you want us to take your female dog who has already had ten litters, but we can't spay her because she is pregnant again and it is against your religion.

Press 26 if you're lying to make one of our younger volunteers feel bad and take your personal pet off your hands.

Press 27 if your cat is biting and not using the litter box because it is de-clawed, but are not willing to accept the responsibility that the cat's behavior is altered because of your nice furniture.

Press 28 if your two year old male dog is marking all over your house but you just haven't gotten around to having him neutered.

Press 29 if you previously had an outdoor only dog and are calling because she is suddenly pregnant.

Press 30 if you have done "everything" to housebreak your dog and have had no success but you don't want to crate the dog because it is cruel.

Press 31 if you didn't listen to the message asking for an evening phone number and you left your work number when all volunteers are also working and you are angry because no one called you back.

Press 32 if you need a puppy immediately and cannot wait because today is your daughter's birthday and you forgot when she was born.

Press 33 if your dog's coat doesn't match your new furniture and you need a different color or breed.

Press 34 if your new love doesn't like your dog and you are too stupid to get rid of the new friend (who will dump you in the next month anyway) instead of the dog.

Press 35 if you went through all these 'options' and didn't hear enough. This press will connect you to the sounds of tears being shed by one of our volunteers who is holding a discarded old dog while the vet mercifully frees him from the grief of missing his family.

Save a life by adopting a pet through your local animal shelter or rescue - do not go to PETLAND and other pet stores where most BUY their animals from PUPPY MILLS to turn around and sell for HUGE profits . Please pass the word to people that you meet how important it is to spay/neuter their pets!

Visit www.petfinder.com to see all the animals in need. National statistics: Only 1 out of 10 dogs born ever get a home. Only 1 out of 12 cats born ever find a home. 800 dogs & cats are KILLED each HOUR in the U.S, because there are not enough homes for them. Saving one animal may not change the world, but, it will surely change the world for that one animal. Thank you!

~ Author Unknown

Hungry Mouse is Fearless

This beautiful story was emailed to me from a friend. I hope you enjoy it!

This mouse danced with death when it tucked into the lunch of a hungry leopard.

Seemingly unaware of the beautiful and powerful beast towering over it, the mischievous rodent grabbed at scraps of meat thrown into the African Leopard's enclosure.

But instead of pouncing on the tiny intruder, the 12-year-old leopard, Sheena, appeared to be afraid of the daring mouse and kept her distance. At one stage she tried to nudge the mouse away with her nose, but the determined little chap carried on chewing away until he was full.

The extraordinary scene was captured by photography student Casey Gutteridge at the Santago Rare Leopard Project in Hertfordshire.

The 19-year-old from Potters Bar, Hertfordshire, who was photographing the leopard for a course project was astounded by the mouse's behavior. He said, "I have no idea where the mouse came from, he just appeared in the enclosure after the keeper had dropped in the meat for the leopard."

He didn't take any notice of the leopard, just went straight over to the meat and started feeding himself.

But the leopard was pretty surprised; she bent down and sniffed the mouse and flinched a bit like she was scared. In the meantime, the mouse just carried on eating like nothing had happened."

Even a gentle shove does not deter the little creature from getting his fill.

It was amazing, even the keeper who had thrown the meat into the enclosure was shocked.

He said he'd never seen anything like it before. Project owner Jackie James added: "It was so funny to see. Sheena batted the mouse a couple of times to try to get it away from her food. But the determined little thing took no notice and just carried on." Sheena was brought in to the Santago Rare Leopard Project from a UK zoo when she was just four months old. She is one of 14 big cats in the private collection started by Jackie's late husband, Peter, in 1989.

The African Leopard can be found in the continent's forests, grasslands, savannas, and rainforests.

So, the mouse continued to eat the leopard's lunch... oblivious to the gentle giant's presence, patience and tolerance of her bite-sized, uninvited, curious little guest!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

God and Dog

Please enjoy this precious video by WJ Francisco:

Pledge to Adopt Your Next Pet

From the Humane Society of the United States:

Between three and four million dogs and cats are euthanized each year in animal shelters in the United States. But if more families looking for a pet this year would adopt their new furry friend from a shelter, we could put an end to this tragedy.

With the help of animal lovers like you, we can spread the word about the benefits of adoption and work to end the senseless euthanasia of homeless pets nationwide.

Did you know that one in four shelter dogs are purebred? Or that most animals in shelters are victims of circumstance, there only because of "people problems" like divorce, foreclosure, and change in lifestyle? The bottom line is shelter animals make great pets.

Jumpstart the HSUS Adopt campaign and the chance at a better life for millions of homeless animals.

Watch the video below and then please take the HSUS pledge to adopt your next pet--then urge your friends, family, and loved ones to do the same.