Monday, May 5, 2014

Disallow Michael Vick from the Cortland Campus

Michael Vick has recently become a member of the New York Jets football team, which practices on the SUNY Cortland campus.  Vick has served a short sentence for bankrolling a dogfighting conspiracy, but animal cruelty charges were dropped in return for his guilty plea.  This does not mean, however, that his crimes should be forgotten-  He tortured more than fifty dogs, attaching them to car batteries via jumper cables and throwing them into water to watch them drown, beating and hanging them, slamming their heads and spines into the ground until they died, setting them against each other in brutal fights, rendering them defenseless and using them as bait for training, and more.  He is a monster and a disgrace, and has never once apologized.  He has even admitted that he would continue to fight dogs if given the chance.

I love SUNY Cortland, and cannot abide welcoming this sociopath onto our campus with open arms.  We need to stand by what is right as a university by barring him from the grounds.  I don't want him anywhere near my beloved college or community.  We MUST send the message that we won't be party to the torture of animals by conveniently forgetting what he has done.  If we welcome Vick onto our campus, we are complicit in his crimes.

If you agree and think that Michael Vick should not be allowed on SUNY Cortland property, please sign this petition and share it with your friends.

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