I find it somewhat hard to write a comment on this video as I usually try to post the brighter side of companion animals and what an important role they play in our lives. They are truly one of God's amazing creations. They entertain us, they protect us, but most importantly... they love us unconditionally, and stay steadfast and true till the very end. Now, just how many of you can say that about a friend or even a spouse?
With that being said, let me try to address the importance of this graphic video.
First of all, I couldn't even watch it all the way through as I felt myself getting sick. Being a rescuer for many years, I fully understand that this horrible means of euthanasia still exists in many areas of our country. Some pounds still use heart stick, which is nothing more than jamming a needle, hooked up to electricity, into the animal's heart and turning on the "juice". These animals have no form of sedation and are basically tortured to death. Gas chambers aren't any better. Tragically, there are still some states within our country that do not have licensing for "humane euthanasia" by injection, which I find unbelievable in the year "2010". However, OHIO does, indeed, have this licensing but, unfortunately, we still have county pounds here that refuse to move into the 21st century by continuing this barbaric means for disposal of the pet overpopulation problem. Even sadder is the fact that these "good 'ole boys" seem to enjoy the horrific death they inflict upon these poor discarded animals.
Hooray for
Bonnie Mansfield (
see article links below) and her efforts to bring this problem in Licking County to light. However, it just isn't Licking County. There are many other counties, within Ohio, that refuse to evolve out of the "Dark Ages" as well.
Now, yes, I do understand that "euthanasia" is still needed because people just can't seem to grasp the concept of
"SPAY OR NEUTER" your pets, along with the "back yard breeders" and puppy mills... and until they do, we will continue to have this overwhelming problem of too many animals with nowhere to go.
However, if these animals need to die, there is absolutely no reason why they should have to suffer the cruelty of gas chambers (or heart stick) at the hands of people like
Jon Luzio.
Shame on the residents of Licking County for giving this "good 'ole boy" a salary of over $47,000 a year to continue gassing poor animals when lethal injection is available. Perhaps if the good citizens of this county voted for a "decrease" in his salary, Licking County could afford the Sodium Pentobarbital needed for a more humane practice of euthanasia.
Please remember that "YOU" are part of the problem unless "YOU" take action. If your state or county still uses unacceptable forms of euthanasia,
STAND UP AND MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. This is the 21st Century. If we can put men into space... then there is no reason any animal should have to suffer the tortures of being gassed or electrocuted.
I think this quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. says it all:
"Never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way."Writer challenges 'Watchdog'Letter to the Editor -
Buckeye Lake BeaconJanuary 30, 2010
Watchdog responds to criticLetter to the Editor -
Buckeye Lake BeaconFebruary 6, 2010
Watchdog says director, gas chamber need to goLetter to the Editor - Buckeye Lake Beacon
February 20, 2010