Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hard-Hitting Wolf Ads Greet Palin in Indiana

Update from Defenders of Wildlife...

APRIL 15, 2009

WASHINGTON – When Gov. Sarah Palin arrives in Evansville, Ind. tomorrow, she will be greeted by the latest installment of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund’s Eye on Palin campaign. TV and print ads will run all day on April 16, 2009 to ensure that Evansville residents are aware that she promotes the shooting of wolves from airplanes, as well as gassing wolf pups in their dens.

“Since Governor Palin is making the rounds pushing her own agenda, we wanted to give residents of Evansville the full picture and highlight the more extreme portions of her agenda,” commented Defenders Action Fund President Rodger Schlickeisen. “Whatever she may say on her trips across the Lower 48, Governor Palin’s aggressive pursuit of increasingly extreme wildlife policies, such as the shooting of wolves from airplanes and gassing wolf pups in their dens, places her values well outside those held by most Americans.”

Launched in January 2009, http://www.eyeonpalin.org/ was set up to track Governor Palin’s extreme anti-conservation agenda. In less than three months since the website launched, Palin’s administration and the Board of Game have approved, among many things, the use of helicopters by private hunters to shoot wolves and the use of poison gas to kill wolves and their pups in their dens. They have even butted heads with the National Park Service over their decision to shoot wolves that largely reside in a National Preserve, some of which were part of a years-long scientific study.

“Governor Palin is pursuing her anti-science, anti-conservation policies in Alaska at breakneck speed. So while they’re shaking hands with the Governor, we hope the residents of Evansville will also ask her about her extreme agenda,” continued Schlickeisen. “She hasn’t listened to the nearly 200 scientists and wildlife experts who wrote to her and asked her to stop her unjustified aerial killing program. Maybe she’ll listen to the good people of Indiana.”

Watch the TV Ad


The Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund (http://www.defendersactionfund.org/) provides a powerful voice in Washington to Americans who value our conservation heritage. Through grassroots lobbying, issue advocacy and political campaigns, the Action Fund champions those laws and lawmakers that protect wildlife and wild places while working against those that do them harm.

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